Last night, I asked Kyle what he was most looking forward to about coming to Peru. I was expecting him to say, "Of course, seeing you, honey!" But nooooo he says, "I can't wait to go to Machu Picchu". I pointed out that his answer was WRONG! and that he should change his answer...his argument was that Machu Picchu is one of the wonders of the world. So to that I say...
Machu Picchu, you win this time!!
This week our event at the clubhouse was Helping Children in Peru Informational night. We showed the TOMs Shoes documentary and then 2 organizations came in to speak about what they are doing to help children in Peru. I think it was a successful night, with opportunities for volunteers and these organizations to connect with each other. Despite running a little overtime, it was a good event! :) I was excited to put it together and see it through.
My last few events here include: Pub Quiz/Trivia Night, Wallet Making Workshop (with recycled materials), and a informational night about cycling in Peru. Others that I have planned are a Traveling Tips evening, another pub quiz, and an informational night with Ciudad Saludable that is working for a cleaner city through sanitation and recycling. Whewww. I can't believe I will only be here for 3 more events. That is just CrAzY!
Easter is right around the corner and here that means Thursday and Friday off of work and for many it means GET OUT OF THE CITY! My host sisters and I are still in the planning stages of what we are going to do...but we better decide soon or else we'll have no where to go! :) We may also just stay close to Lima and do a small trip close to the city. We'll see! Whatever we end up doing it will be welcomed change of pace.
So this morning I realized I never posted the pictures from our epic monster cookie making experience. So I am going to end the post with some photos! :) Hope you enjoy.
It just took some time to figure it out :)
I hope all is well wherever you are. Miss you and hasta pronto! :)
"To give and not expect return, that is what lies at the heart of love."
--Oscar Wilde
And to Kyle's answer, I would have said, "But babe, I'm the wonder of your world." Baaahaha! Maybe that's just me?! Enjoy your last weeks in Lima! I can't wait to hear your stories first hand when you get back!