Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Lovin': Election Edition!

I've lost track of how many times I have written a Sunday Lovin' post. And I am too lazy to go look what the last "volume" was. Therefore, this one is ELECTION edition! Because the elections are taking place here today. I have been reading articles, doing research and trying to figure out what really is going on with these elections. While I don't have everything figured out--Actually, I have very little figured out. I will never understand all the small intricacies and ties to the past etc...--I feel like I have read enough and I am interested/excited/nervous to see what the results are tonight. This girl doesn't like politics much, but this has been VERY interesting to witness while I've been here! Here's a TIME article written about the Peruvian elections.
Good luck, Peruvian voters. May the best candidate win!

Now onto some Sunday Lovin'....

1.) Language: The other day, while listening to a presentation in Spanish, all I could think about was how cool and interesting language is. And how we learn our native tongue, as well as a unique accent. AND then how HARD it is to learn a new language. So many details...Grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary. It's all so unique! Can't wait to keep learning! :)

2.) Jobs: I am loving my job right now! Most of the time :) But I really enjoying almost all aspects of my job. It's been fun to begin planning for future events and then be able to pass that off onto someone else. Although, it's hard to stay motivated sometimes...Hm. The other part of this isn't really LOVE, but I have been applying online to random places around Goshen, looking for a fill-in job that I can start when I get home (i.e. Starbucks, Target etc...) Any suggestions for me? Where else can I apply...via internet :)

3.) Birthdays: This weekend was a birthday-filled one. I attended a birthday party with H. Groff on Friday night. Went to a Birthday party for 2 girls from church last night. AND most importantly the-one-and-only, Kyle Stiffney, celebrated his 23rd on Friday. Awesome!! Love birthdays!

4.) Being Tired: Now, this doesn't sound so great. But when you plop into bed at the end of the day and your whole body just lets go and you fall asleep quickly. That is SUCH a good feeling. Knowing how much you got accomplished in your day. It's a great feeling! It just stinks when that tired-ness carries over into the next day. Have to get my 8-hours in...or else!! :)

5.) This website: 1,000 Awesome Things is a fun website that list 1 awesome thing each day. Sometimes they are serious, most of the time funny! And the writer of the blog has a very interesting way of writing. It's definitely a highlight of my day. If you click on the top 1000 things tab, you'll see the original 1,000 Awesome things list. Lovely. Thanks, Awesome are.....AWESOME! :)

That's it for today. I hope everyone is having a good weekend. I am counting down the days until I get to go to Machu Picchu (28!!). But am trying to be productive and learn a lot in the last few weeks I have here. Wooo hoo. This means YOU only get to read a few more Sunday Lovin' Editions. Disappointed much?!? :)


“20 years from now you will be disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the one’s you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover” --Mark Twain


More Election reading from (I'll update this link list as I learn more...):
Polls Open in Peru
Five Way Race in Peru Elections
Monday Results: Keiko and Humala to the run-off: Living in Peru

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