Tuesday, March 22, 2011


If you want a good laugh go ahead and look at my route to work on GoogleMaps.

1.) Go to this link: GoogleMaps--Alli's Route

2.) Look at how many miles it is (it's about 7 miles in case you don't know how to convert kilometers to miles...I had to google it! ha)

3.) Tell me how it takes 1 hour and 15 minutes to get to work.

Then you can laugh because it really does take THAT LONG!

The first few weeks of the commute I was just thinking “hm…this really won’t be too bad. It’s just a commute”. But day after day, 2x a day will eventually start eating away at your patience. Even if you aren’t going to be late—in fact, I am on average an hour early to work because my host dad’s start time and mine are about an hour different—you can still feel your patience dwindling. It STINKS sitting in traffic for that long and just inching ahead. If you’ve ever had to commute by car in a big city I am sure you understand. Maybe you love it? But I am not cut out for this stuff!!

On top of just the general waiting, you have idiot drivers (particularly the bus drivers) that are trying to get all around the traffic. Dodging in and out and trying to get the best position. “Um excuse me, sir, but you aren’t going anywhere. NO ONE IS because we are in a traffic jam that is 10 miles long!”

If you want a really good laugh, you can think about me cursing in my head; first, at the traffic that is stopped and then at the idiot bus drivers who are about to take my side of the car with them. AND then you can imagine me rolling my eyes and cursing in my head to all the guys that look at me like I am from some other planet while I’m walking to the metro. “Hey people! I am a human. I have feelings, too, and I don’t appreciate being looked at like I don’t belong here. Thanks”. Maybe when my tourist visa runs out 3 days before I am supposed to leave the country (oops? details, details...) THEN you can look at me like I don't belong here!

Honestly, I am not a big “curser”. I don’t let a lot of bad words slip from my mouth…but in my head, sometimes the words just fly! :) and for now that’s okay because I have to do something to release my pent up rage. Okay, rage is a strong word. But you get my point! Haha.

So there ya go. There’s some good laughs for you on this sunny Tuesday. Straight from Lima, Peru!

But honestly, I am enjoying my time here 110%. The commute is NOT fun, but the trade-off is that I fall asleep in a safe and quiet part of town. This I am thankful for. So it definitely balances out. Today was just one of those days that you want to be mad and impatient, but you know there is nothing you can do about it so you just laugh. I like laughing, so I’m cool with that.

Have a great Tuesday everyone! Miss and love you all.

"Laugh as much as your breathe and love as long as you live"


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