Friday, March 4, 2011

Sweet Summer Time

Yesterday we had a BBQ event at our clubhouse in celebration of summer time! We invited everyone. Members, non-members, staff...and I was in charge of the planning, the organizing, and the follow through with the event. I guess that's how it goes when your title is "Event Coordinator" :)

It was tons of fun. We had chorizzo (sausage), corn on the cob on steroids, chips and guac, a raffle with some sweet prizes, and music (I made the playlist!) I think everyone had a good time and we ended up making a pretty good chunk of money, which is a big reason why we do events like that. So overall a success and I am excited to go into work today and see how much money we actually made.

After the BBQ, I was exhausted but was very pleased with how the event went. I still had a long commute home, so off I went. I ended up sitting by the nicest old man (probably about 70-80 years old and a lawyer). He asked how I was and we talked the whole hour home. It was great practice for my spanish, he was really patient in repeating himself and decoding my awful accent. haha. It is always nice to know that there are normal people in the city, too :)

Then I arrived home, and I didn't think I could be smiling any bigger after such a great day. But, to my surprise I had a message from Kyle and he said he has a week off work in May and he can come visit me, and then we can travel home together. Ahhh!! I think I screamed out loud. And then I REALLY couldn't stop smiling.

So it really is sweet summer time here in Lima, Peru! Today after work I will go home and pack my bags because Millie (my host sister) and I are off to Guancayo on a 6 hour bus trip. We are going to drop off books at a school that her Mom started. They have family there, so we will stay with the family until Monday and then head home and I'll be back to work on Tuesday. It will be a nice weekend get away and good time to see another part of the gigantic country of Peru.

Not sure what the internet situation will be like there. So I am probably going to take a blogging hiatus until I guess it's going to have to be Sunday Lovin' on Tuesday :)

I hope you all had a great week. Happy Friday!!



  1. so exciting that he can come visit you! and even more exciting that you're calling it "summer" there :)

  2. Alli I am so excited for you!!! Have a great time this weekend! And I am so glad that Kyle is coming to see you and travel home with you!
