I just went surfing. Wow. wow. wow.
It has been a dream of mine for so long...and now I can check it off my list! :) It was so awesome and I had so much fun. It is a lot harder than it looks and I am so tired. But it was SOOOO worth it :)
Once again, YAY for Sundays!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sunday Lovin'
It's time for some Sunday lovin'. Once again I find myself loving the weekend. After work on Friday I went out with some co-workers just to unwind and hang out in Miraflores. I had to leave a little early to go to the Goshen College party, but that was fine! Saturday night we went to Las Brisas de Titicacas. Which was a dinner and show. It was awesome. A lot of traditional dancing, live music, drinks and food. It started at 10pm and went until 3am. I am very tired today :) After I post this, I am going to take a quick nap. Then we're going to the beach to surf (Whhhaaat???! We'll see how that goes!) and then we'll be watching the Oscars tonight. I love weekends!
Now...onto a few things that I am lovin' right now:
Sunday Lovin': Chapter 2.
1.) Watching the people who sell tickets on buses: They get to yell out the windows. Boss people around. Take people's money...and the best part is they get to jump onto a moving bus. So cool :) I could be entertained for hours. Good thing I find this entertaining because I am on the bus for 1 hour, mas o menos.
2.) The sun: I am seriously loving the sun. And the sun must be loving me because I am turning a little red. Thanks, Mom, for sending me sunscreen soon :)
3.) Jillian Michael's Workout DVDs: This has been a great connecting point for my host sister and I. We started doing Jillian's 30 days shred. It's an intense 30 minute, cardio/strength work out and we are loving it (most of the time). We have been working out in the evenings, but starting this week it will have to be BEFORE work because of upcoming work events and Spanish classes. We're hoping to stick with it for the full 30 days...and beyond.
4.) Skype: this is one of the best inventions ever. Seriously. Communicating with people at home, face-to-face. You just can't beat it. It makes me feel that much closer to home, which can be a good thing! Thank-you, skype!
5.) My job: I could talk for hours about how great my job has been so far. But I have really enjoyed learning about the organization and learning more about Peru through the work I am doing. It has been such a good fit for me--with my coworkers and my responsibilities--I am so thankful for this. I just finished up my second full week of work and I had a "two week review". I guess they could have fired me during that two weeks, who knew?! ha. But it went really well and I got a lot of good feedback so I am excited to keep learning and planning and contributing to the organization.
That's all for now. Go forth and LOVE your Sunday...you still have time :)
Now...onto a few things that I am lovin' right now:
Sunday Lovin': Chapter 2.
1.) Watching the people who sell tickets on buses: They get to yell out the windows. Boss people around. Take people's money...and the best part is they get to jump onto a moving bus. So cool :) I could be entertained for hours. Good thing I find this entertaining because I am on the bus for 1 hour, mas o menos.
2.) The sun: I am seriously loving the sun. And the sun must be loving me because I am turning a little red. Thanks, Mom, for sending me sunscreen soon :)
3.) Jillian Michael's Workout DVDs: This has been a great connecting point for my host sister and I. We started doing Jillian's 30 days shred. It's an intense 30 minute, cardio/strength work out and we are loving it (most of the time). We have been working out in the evenings, but starting this week it will have to be BEFORE work because of upcoming work events and Spanish classes. We're hoping to stick with it for the full 30 days...and beyond.
4.) Skype: this is one of the best inventions ever. Seriously. Communicating with people at home, face-to-face. You just can't beat it. It makes me feel that much closer to home, which can be a good thing! Thank-you, skype!
5.) My job: I could talk for hours about how great my job has been so far. But I have really enjoyed learning about the organization and learning more about Peru through the work I am doing. It has been such a good fit for me--with my coworkers and my responsibilities--I am so thankful for this. I just finished up my second full week of work and I had a "two week review". I guess they could have fired me during that two weeks, who knew?! ha. But it went really well and I got a lot of good feedback so I am excited to keep learning and planning and contributing to the organization.
That's all for now. Go forth and LOVE your Sunday...you still have time :)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Where did the week go?
.....seriously??? This week went so fast! I can't believe it's already Saturday. And this is why i have no time to blog. My days get filled up and then the weeks fly by. It's just crazy! On Sunday, I will have been here for 3 weeks. Wow.
A few things that happened this week include: My first event (success!!), some great new event leads (yes!!), I got confirmation that I am officially in spanish lessons starting next week (much needed!!), went to the Goshen SST farwell party (fun, but made me miss doing SST!!), ate some great fruit (yum!!), and successfully navigated my way home each evening after work (Awesome!!).
Today we walked around downtown for a while and "saw the sites" and tonight we are going to a festival to eat and watch some traditional dancing. Weekends are the best! I even got some sun today...always a good thing :) I realized today that I get TWO summers in a row. I will leave Lima just as the grey fog starts to roll in and I will get home just in time for May flowers :) How cool is that??! I'm not complaining!
I have taken a few pictures over the past weeks, so I will let those tell the rest of the story! Enjoy!
The various floors of our apartment building. If you remember my story from about 2 weeks ago, I was sitting on one of these floors waiting for someone to let me in when I got locked out of the apartment :)
The South American Explorers clubhouse/building
Inside SAE. I sit at that desk and welcome members from time to time. I like that part of my job.
At larcomar with Millie
The next Hawkins Water Tech. advertisment?? It says "Water is life, take care of it"
When I ordered my drink at Starbucks they asked how to spell my name. I spelled it wrong getting my E and I confused. So he wrote out all the letters and told me how to say each of them. Thank-you, Barista man! :)
Surfboards by the beach. Maybe I will get to fulfill a dream of mine while I am here? Surf lessons!!
Bustling Miraflores
Lunch with a beach view. Perfection!
Ahhh the beach!
A few things that happened this week include: My first event (success!!), some great new event leads (yes!!), I got confirmation that I am officially in spanish lessons starting next week (much needed!!), went to the Goshen SST farwell party (fun, but made me miss doing SST!!), ate some great fruit (yum!!), and successfully navigated my way home each evening after work (Awesome!!).
Today we walked around downtown for a while and "saw the sites" and tonight we are going to a festival to eat and watch some traditional dancing. Weekends are the best! I even got some sun today...always a good thing :) I realized today that I get TWO summers in a row. I will leave Lima just as the grey fog starts to roll in and I will get home just in time for May flowers :) How cool is that??! I'm not complaining!
I have taken a few pictures over the past weeks, so I will let those tell the rest of the story! Enjoy!
My room the day after I arrived. Exploding suitcase and all :) A bed and a welcome home balloon is all you need to make this girl smile.
That's all I have for now! :) I will be posting more pictures of where I am living soon. It is a great place to live. Although far away from work (about 1 hour and 30 minute commute), it's a good trade off for the quietness of the suburb away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
I am happy. healthy. and loving life. I hope each of you are, too.
Happy weekend. And don't forget...Sunday Lovin' will be posted tomorrow!
I am happy. healthy. and loving life. I hope each of you are, too.
Happy weekend. And don't forget...Sunday Lovin' will be posted tomorrow!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sunday Lovin'
Sundays are one of my favorite days of the week. And this doesn't really change when I am in another country. Today we went to church, went to the mall for a delicious lunch, and now we are home for a relaxing afternoon of TV and internet and whatever else we want to do. You really can't beat a relaxing Sunday!
So in honor of the greatness that is SUNDAY I decided I want to start a regular blog post called Sunday Lovin'. This post will happen every sunday and will feature a few things that I love about Peru. Some may be general and others may be specific events that happened or didn't happen :) So cheers to the first edition of Sunday Lovin' .
1. Inca Cola: A guilty pleasure. It's like their coca-cola here. And If I understand it right, it seems that coca-cola has actually bought them out. It's a yellow pop that taste a lot like cream soda. It's everywhere! I love it and try to only drink it every once in a while...because it's pop. Here's a picture from the beach weekend when we had Incacola with ceviche. Now that was one very peruvian meal. YUM!

2. Jack Johnson and Coldplay: They seem to love these two musical groups here. And I LOVE IT! I am a huge fan of both of them and I seem to hear their songs everywhere, in restaurants, at the mall, on the radio. It's great! It makes me fall even more in love with these groups, because it's perfect summer music...Which I am in the middle of by the way. NO SNOW! Something else I am definitely loving :)
3. Hannah Groff: I love that I am here with a great friend who I can see from time to time. Last night I went out with Hannah for some ice cream/dinner. We met half way between our houses at huge mall (Jockey Plaza). It was so great to catch up and chat about our lives here in Peru. It's nice to know that we are independent of each other, but that we can always just call each other up and set-up a little american date :) I am also loving that I get to see what a lot of my Goshen friends have experienced through their time here on SST.
Peru SST graduates, If any of you have suggestions for what I MUST do or see please write me. (P.S. Dove Vai in Miraflores closed....bummer, dude.)
Until next week, hope you are loving your Sunday, too :)
So in honor of the greatness that is SUNDAY I decided I want to start a regular blog post called Sunday Lovin'. This post will happen every sunday and will feature a few things that I love about Peru. Some may be general and others may be specific events that happened or didn't happen :) So cheers to the first edition of Sunday Lovin' .
1. Inca Cola: A guilty pleasure. It's like their coca-cola here. And If I understand it right, it seems that coca-cola has actually bought them out. It's a yellow pop that taste a lot like cream soda. It's everywhere! I love it and try to only drink it every once in a while...because it's pop. Here's a picture from the beach weekend when we had Incacola with ceviche. Now that was one very peruvian meal. YUM!
2. Jack Johnson and Coldplay: They seem to love these two musical groups here. And I LOVE IT! I am a huge fan of both of them and I seem to hear their songs everywhere, in restaurants, at the mall, on the radio. It's great! It makes me fall even more in love with these groups, because it's perfect summer music...Which I am in the middle of by the way. NO SNOW! Something else I am definitely loving :)
3. Hannah Groff: I love that I am here with a great friend who I can see from time to time. Last night I went out with Hannah for some ice cream/dinner. We met half way between our houses at huge mall (Jockey Plaza). It was so great to catch up and chat about our lives here in Peru. It's nice to know that we are independent of each other, but that we can always just call each other up and set-up a little american date :) I am also loving that I get to see what a lot of my Goshen friends have experienced through their time here on SST.
Peru SST graduates, If any of you have suggestions for what I MUST do or see please write me. (P.S. Dove Vai in Miraflores closed....bummer, dude.)
Until next week, hope you are loving your Sunday, too :)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
These days are flying,..
This past week went SO fast. Things seem to fly by when you are in another country, I guess! I am diving head first into the events and event planning part of my internship. So far I am really enjoying this. This week will the the first week I actually will lead an event and then next week I will see an event from the beginning (the idea, contact, advertising, and introducing/moderating the event). I am really enjoying it, although it's a lot of pressure sometimes. Some events that we have coming up include: Starting a business in Peru, a BBQ, Election Forum, an Eco-tourism informational event, and another trivia night at an Irish pub and many more to come. Have any great ideas or suggestions, let me know! :)
The social media part of my internship is moving a bit slower. There are already some established Facebook pages for the other clubhouses in other cities, but some haven't been updated for a few years and some are not complete and so it will take some time to decide what the best approach is to streamline the various Facebook pages. Right now we are trying to figure out if it's better to have 1 page for all the club houses or to have individual pages. I have my opinion, but obviously there are a lot of other people involved in this decision...so soon enough we'll figure it out and move forward!
In another news, I signed up for some spanish classes. Because of my work and commute schedule, the only way I could fit in the class was to do a 1-on-1 class. So it will be me and my teacher after work. Hopefully it will be starting next week if I receive my registration confirmation. Classes will be 3 days a week for about an hour. I am excited and ready to improve mi espanol...
This weekend has also been great so far. No beach house, but plenty of sun! Last night we went to Barranco where we heard a really awesome band in a pretty sweet venue. I really enjoyed it. Today I've been reading outside in the sun, watching TV, and just relaxing...not at work. Don't get me wrong I love my work, but weekends are weekends, no matter what country you are in.
Last night, me and another intern went to a park in Lima that has awesome fountain and light shows. I didn't have my camera with me, but I am sure I will be going back there sometime. It was pretty awesome. Here's a picture from google.com so you can get an idea of what I saw...

That's all I have for now :) I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend. I took pictures of my apartment the other day so hoping to post a blog of an apartment tour soon.
The social media part of my internship is moving a bit slower. There are already some established Facebook pages for the other clubhouses in other cities, but some haven't been updated for a few years and some are not complete and so it will take some time to decide what the best approach is to streamline the various Facebook pages. Right now we are trying to figure out if it's better to have 1 page for all the club houses or to have individual pages. I have my opinion, but obviously there are a lot of other people involved in this decision...so soon enough we'll figure it out and move forward!
In another news, I signed up for some spanish classes. Because of my work and commute schedule, the only way I could fit in the class was to do a 1-on-1 class. So it will be me and my teacher after work. Hopefully it will be starting next week if I receive my registration confirmation. Classes will be 3 days a week for about an hour. I am excited and ready to improve mi espanol...
This weekend has also been great so far. No beach house, but plenty of sun! Last night we went to Barranco where we heard a really awesome band in a pretty sweet venue. I really enjoyed it. Today I've been reading outside in the sun, watching TV, and just relaxing...not at work. Don't get me wrong I love my work, but weekends are weekends, no matter what country you are in.
Last night, me and another intern went to a park in Lima that has awesome fountain and light shows. I didn't have my camera with me, but I am sure I will be going back there sometime. It was pretty awesome. Here's a picture from google.com so you can get an idea of what I saw...

That's all I have for now :) I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend. I took pictures of my apartment the other day so hoping to post a blog of an apartment tour soon.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
So I will have a more detailed post later but right now I need to ask a question:
Does anyone want to come to Peru and go to Machu Picchu with me?! Seriously....
I am in Peru so I decided I HAVE to go, right? So looking at options with the best travel advisor ever--Hannah Groff--it seems to be cheaper to go with two people. And I am willing to go alone because you are basically in the tour guides hands the whole time, but what's the fun in that??!
Soooo...who wants to meet me here? May 6th or so...we could do a 3 or more day tour. You can see where I work. Meet my host family. And see one of the wonders of the world!! The reason I am asking now is because tours fill up fast so I have to book soon.
You know you wanna!! :)
P.S. If you don't feel like you can make the trip, you could help me out by convincing my boyfriend how AWESOME of a trip it would be. So worth the money and the time away from work. Ready...go!
Does anyone want to come to Peru and go to Machu Picchu with me?! Seriously....
I am in Peru so I decided I HAVE to go, right? So looking at options with the best travel advisor ever--Hannah Groff--it seems to be cheaper to go with two people. And I am willing to go alone because you are basically in the tour guides hands the whole time, but what's the fun in that??!
Soooo...who wants to meet me here? May 6th or so...we could do a 3 or more day tour. You can see where I work. Meet my host family. And see one of the wonders of the world!! The reason I am asking now is because tours fill up fast so I have to book soon.
You know you wanna!! :)
P.S. If you don't feel like you can make the trip, you could help me out by convincing my boyfriend how AWESOME of a trip it would be. So worth the money and the time away from work. Ready...go!
Monday, February 14, 2011
A perfect weekend
So this past weekend was awesome. It included 3 of my favorite things: Volleyball, comida (food) and the beach! I loved every second of it. Even the Spanish that I struggled to speak...it made me very tired, but it was great practice. I was thankful for all the Spanish I learned, but also was thankful that Millie and all of her friends speak English very well. So when I was struggling they were there to help :) Speaking on that topic, I am currently researching Spanish classes around the area (there are lots!) to find one that seems like a good fit for me. I realized that I have not taken a formal Spanish class since Nicaragua and this means I have forgotten almost all rules and mostly just have word vomit when it comes to speaking in Spanish. Not good.
But my weekend at the beach...The food was great, the company was fun, the sun was hot, and the volleyball was awesome. I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

The weekend made me think a lot about my friends back home. It reminded me of all of us being together throughout college at the lake house or just hanging out at home house, valesco, Kulp, the apartments or wherever we found ourselves. So to my friends, wherever you are...I miss you and I hold all the memories I have with each of you very close to my heart. I think of you often and hope that life is GREAT where you are!
And to my new friends here in Peru, thanks for including me in your circle of friends. I appreciate it and had a great weekend! Thank-you!!
Happy Valentine's Day to all.
Chau (good-bye in peruvian spanish!)
But my weekend at the beach...The food was great, the company was fun, the sun was hot, and the volleyball was awesome. I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story.
Some of the lovely ladies and I

Millie and I eating popsicles on the beach! Mango for me :) Deliciosa

The beach house we stayed in. Gracias Dyego!

Eating dinner on the porch, with an awesome view out into the ocean. Me gusta!

Ceviche for dinner. They told me this was the best kind that I would eat. I wouldn't be surprised because it was so so good!

A great end to a great weekend
Millie and I eating popsicles on the beach! Mango for me :) Deliciosa
The beach house we stayed in. Gracias Dyego!
Eating dinner on the porch, with an awesome view out into the ocean. Me gusta!
Ceviche for dinner. They told me this was the best kind that I would eat. I wouldn't be surprised because it was so so good!
A great end to a great weekend
The weekend made me think a lot about my friends back home. It reminded me of all of us being together throughout college at the lake house or just hanging out at home house, valesco, Kulp, the apartments or wherever we found ourselves. So to my friends, wherever you are...I miss you and I hold all the memories I have with each of you very close to my heart. I think of you often and hope that life is GREAT where you are!
And to my new friends here in Peru, thanks for including me in your circle of friends. I appreciate it and had a great weekend! Thank-you!!
Happy Valentine's Day to all.
Chau (good-bye in peruvian spanish!)
Friday, February 11, 2011
New Development...
I'm going to a beach house for the weekend! :)
So I'll be back to writing next week. I'm sure I'll have lots of stories. But for now I'll leave you with this one:
Because we were going to the beach I wanted to shave my legs, however, I did not bring shaving cream to Peru and thought maybe I could buy some down here. So I asked Millie (my host sister) this..."ustedes usan sopa para afeitarse tu piernas?" I wanted to ask Do you use soap to shave your legs? However..."sopa" is not soap. It's SOUP! So I really asked "Do you guys use SOUP to shave your legs?" Great! So we all had a good laugh about that. And no, they didn't have any soap for me. I did shave my legs though :)
Cheers to the weekend!
So I'll be back to writing next week. I'm sure I'll have lots of stories. But for now I'll leave you with this one:
Because we were going to the beach I wanted to shave my legs, however, I did not bring shaving cream to Peru and thought maybe I could buy some down here. So I asked Millie (my host sister) this..."ustedes usan sopa para afeitarse tu piernas?" I wanted to ask Do you use soap to shave your legs? However..."sopa" is not soap. It's SOUP! So I really asked "Do you guys use SOUP to shave your legs?" Great! So we all had a good laugh about that. And no, they didn't have any soap for me. I did shave my legs though :)
Cheers to the weekend!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Mi Primero Tiempo
"my first time"...There's a first time for everything and when you are abroad there are always lots and lots of first and newness. New tastes, new smells, new ideas, new languages, new culture. On and on. I have had many first already in my first week here, but today was especially a FIRST kind of day...
1.) First time eating fish in a looong time: I really don't like seafood much. Actually, I pretty much gag when I smell it. I'm generally not a picky eater, but this is one food I try to steer clear of. For lunch today we had a fish dish that was really delicious. The fish was really mild and the sauce over it was GREAT. This is awesome because ceviche (a very famous dish here) is pure fish, I was scared I wouldn't like it, but now I will try it, and hopefully fall in love with it.
2.) I marketed our memberships on the street for the first time: Today me and another new intern were asked to go out on the town and find people who are traveling South America and would be interested in coming to our clubhouses. We got to hand out our fliers and talk to people about their travels and such. It was great! I really enjoyed talking with others, however, when it comes to selling...no me gusta. However, we did have 1 couple come in about an hour after we talked to them on the street so that is GREAT! I am excited to have that as a part of my job so I can leave the office from time to time.
3.) First time commuting by myself: This is a HUGE one. I feel very accomplished. I know that the transportation here is pretty easy...but I have never lived in a big city and the transportation here is intimidating. But I did it. I made it home in one piece and there really was nothing to worry about, I feel totally confident and safe. Easy-peazee.
When I got home I had a little surprise...
4.) Locked out of the apartment for the first time: I got back to the apartment with a huge smile on my face from my recent accomplishment, unlocked the "gate" to the apartment and then looked under the rug for the key to the apartment. y la llave no estaba alli'---It wasn't there. Oops. So I called my host sister, from the dad's cell phone which I am borrowing until I get one (??) and she laughed and said they forgot. :) So I sat outside our apartment and soaked up the warm sun and cool breeze and used the internet from inside the house. Not so bad. Fiore (an cousin living at the house) came back to save they day. So all is well.
5.) First workout in Lima, Peru: I brought my Jillian Michael's work out DVD to try and work up a sweat each day. I also plan to run some because our neighborhood is safe and it's very calm with little traffic. It always feel great to get the endorphins flowing each day :)
Today was a great day! I feel very accomplished and I am definitely finding my niche at home and at work. I am very excited for the weeks to come and hope to keep learning a lot of Spanish and building relationships.
Thanks for following along with my adventure. Hope all is well wherever you are tonight.
1.) First time eating fish in a looong time: I really don't like seafood much. Actually, I pretty much gag when I smell it. I'm generally not a picky eater, but this is one food I try to steer clear of. For lunch today we had a fish dish that was really delicious. The fish was really mild and the sauce over it was GREAT. This is awesome because ceviche (a very famous dish here) is pure fish, I was scared I wouldn't like it, but now I will try it, and hopefully fall in love with it.
2.) I marketed our memberships on the street for the first time: Today me and another new intern were asked to go out on the town and find people who are traveling South America and would be interested in coming to our clubhouses. We got to hand out our fliers and talk to people about their travels and such. It was great! I really enjoyed talking with others, however, when it comes to selling...no me gusta. However, we did have 1 couple come in about an hour after we talked to them on the street so that is GREAT! I am excited to have that as a part of my job so I can leave the office from time to time.
3.) First time commuting by myself: This is a HUGE one. I feel very accomplished. I know that the transportation here is pretty easy...but I have never lived in a big city and the transportation here is intimidating. But I did it. I made it home in one piece and there really was nothing to worry about, I feel totally confident and safe. Easy-peazee.
When I got home I had a little surprise...
4.) Locked out of the apartment for the first time: I got back to the apartment with a huge smile on my face from my recent accomplishment, unlocked the "gate" to the apartment and then looked under the rug for the key to the apartment. y la llave no estaba alli'---It wasn't there. Oops. So I called my host sister, from the dad's cell phone which I am borrowing until I get one (??) and she laughed and said they forgot. :) So I sat outside our apartment and soaked up the warm sun and cool breeze and used the internet from inside the house. Not so bad. Fiore (an cousin living at the house) came back to save they day. So all is well.
5.) First workout in Lima, Peru: I brought my Jillian Michael's work out DVD to try and work up a sweat each day. I also plan to run some because our neighborhood is safe and it's very calm with little traffic. It always feel great to get the endorphins flowing each day :)
Today was a great day! I feel very accomplished and I am definitely finding my niche at home and at work. I am very excited for the weeks to come and hope to keep learning a lot of Spanish and building relationships.
Thanks for following along with my adventure. Hope all is well wherever you are tonight.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Mi Trabajo
I've been at my new job for 1.5 days so here's a little run down of what I will be doing the next 3 months....
I am working with South American Explorers an non-profit organization that helps travelers find the best way around South America...my clubhouse is in Lima so the focus is on travels in Peru. There are definite perks to being a member including free luggage storage, free wifi, tons of discounts, first hand info about touring the country, and a sense of peace knowing that you are getting unbiased advice about how to travel. There is also a focus on eco-tourism (sustainable tourism) that is also really cool!
So my official intern title is "Intern of marketing/advertising". I will be working a lot with starting a facebook page and managing that for the club. If it is a success there is a chance that a similar format would be used for all the club houses. Right now there are about 15 different pages for 4 clubhouses. So streamlining that in the coming months would be nice. Another part of marketing will be getting fliers and information out to our target markets in hostels and restaurants where tourist often frequent.
Today I found out I will also be doing a lot of the event coordinating for the club. Every Wednesday evening there is an event at the clubhouse ranging from listening to a speaker talk about living in Peru, to Travel Club which is a discussion setting to get tips and advice on how to travel from other travelers. This will actually take up a lot of my time as I have to coordinate the event by getting someone to speak, or choosing what will be featured, contacting people, and then advertising the event. This is definitely up my alley, and I am excited but also a bit nervous as I have to learn the ropes of the club rather quickly and get in contact with the right people.
Another part of my job will be giving tours of the club house for people that come in (every staff person does this). I am excited about this, if I can learn the right things to say and such :) At the end it is important to sell our membership (because that is how we are funded). The selling part I am not so excited about, but hopefully I'll learn as I go and be a pro by the end. And it's always fun to meet new people, especially people who have interesting stories about traveling and living in Peru.
My schedule will be in the office each day from 9:30am-5pm, except on Wednesdays I will work from 1pm-8pm (for the event in the evening).
Today I went with my host sister to work so she could show me the way and which buses to take. I took notes, lots of them! DORK! haha. But I think it will help in the coming days. It's actually pretty easy once you know what you are looking for (Bus 22, bus 17, metropolitano...) So anyway, that's my biggest challenge now, but should be under control by next week!
I am really excited for my job and what I will be involved in. I think it will be a great learning experience both in marketing and event planning.
Spanish continues to come back to me day by day. I am planning to take a spanish class at the club house, but also want to find another class to take depending how intense the clubhouse class is. We'll see. I am definitely finding more independence here than I did in Nicaragua. I loved my SST experience there, but also was excited to be here and more-or-less be on my own. That will come soon enough...
I am definitely loving life here and I am doing well.
My email is aHawkinsjae@gmail.com if you want to send me any personal emails :) I would love them. I also skype a_hawkins12. And I know some of you asked for an address to send stuff to...so here it is:
Alli Hawkins
Calle Las Pecanas 120
departamento 304
La Molina
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. They are much appreciated.
Good night, for now! Buenos noches.
I am working with South American Explorers an non-profit organization that helps travelers find the best way around South America...my clubhouse is in Lima so the focus is on travels in Peru. There are definite perks to being a member including free luggage storage, free wifi, tons of discounts, first hand info about touring the country, and a sense of peace knowing that you are getting unbiased advice about how to travel. There is also a focus on eco-tourism (sustainable tourism) that is also really cool!
So my official intern title is "Intern of marketing/advertising". I will be working a lot with starting a facebook page and managing that for the club. If it is a success there is a chance that a similar format would be used for all the club houses. Right now there are about 15 different pages for 4 clubhouses. So streamlining that in the coming months would be nice. Another part of marketing will be getting fliers and information out to our target markets in hostels and restaurants where tourist often frequent.
Today I found out I will also be doing a lot of the event coordinating for the club. Every Wednesday evening there is an event at the clubhouse ranging from listening to a speaker talk about living in Peru, to Travel Club which is a discussion setting to get tips and advice on how to travel from other travelers. This will actually take up a lot of my time as I have to coordinate the event by getting someone to speak, or choosing what will be featured, contacting people, and then advertising the event. This is definitely up my alley, and I am excited but also a bit nervous as I have to learn the ropes of the club rather quickly and get in contact with the right people.
Another part of my job will be giving tours of the club house for people that come in (every staff person does this). I am excited about this, if I can learn the right things to say and such :) At the end it is important to sell our membership (because that is how we are funded). The selling part I am not so excited about, but hopefully I'll learn as I go and be a pro by the end. And it's always fun to meet new people, especially people who have interesting stories about traveling and living in Peru.
My schedule will be in the office each day from 9:30am-5pm, except on Wednesdays I will work from 1pm-8pm (for the event in the evening).
Today I went with my host sister to work so she could show me the way and which buses to take. I took notes, lots of them! DORK! haha. But I think it will help in the coming days. It's actually pretty easy once you know what you are looking for (Bus 22, bus 17, metropolitano...) So anyway, that's my biggest challenge now, but should be under control by next week!
I am really excited for my job and what I will be involved in. I think it will be a great learning experience both in marketing and event planning.
Spanish continues to come back to me day by day. I am planning to take a spanish class at the club house, but also want to find another class to take depending how intense the clubhouse class is. We'll see. I am definitely finding more independence here than I did in Nicaragua. I loved my SST experience there, but also was excited to be here and more-or-less be on my own. That will come soon enough...
I am definitely loving life here and I am doing well.
My email is aHawkinsjae@gmail.com if you want to send me any personal emails :) I would love them. I also skype a_hawkins12. And I know some of you asked for an address to send stuff to...so here it is:
Alli Hawkins
Calle Las Pecanas 120
departamento 304
La Molina
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. They are much appreciated.
Good night, for now! Buenos noches.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Spanish is like a marathon
Espanol es como un Marathon. That's exactly what I am learning so far. You've got to take it all in little by little, train your brain, until you feel ready to run the whole race (i.e. speak spanish for a whole day). By 8pm last night I was so exhausted, but my night was just starting....
Last night I went out with some of my host sister's friends for a birthday party. We ended up at a jazz club. Their specialty is sushi...sushi and jazz? Interesting combo. It was fun, but I feel like everyone here is talking about 120 mph and when you throw 10 people together and some jazz music in the background (loud!)and spanish at 150mph It's not going to be so easy to converse. But I definitely enjoyed my time and tried to soak it all in.
Today was my first day of work. I went in for only a half day for orientation and to discuss my job description (I will write more about that later). But I am very excited about what's to come. My only concern is transportation. This week my host sister will take me and pick me up so I can learn the trip...so hopefully I learn fast! It's a big city with lots of buses, micros, a metro, and taxis.
I feel like I am back on SST not really sure what is coming next. I think having a work schedule will help because it will give me some more structure in my day. I am excited for that.
Some things I have noticed so far:
-I feel like a gigante (giant!)...I thought I felt tall in Nicaragua but this is just crazy. I am 5'3ish and feel so tall.
-Big cities have pretty parks
-Big cities also have LOTS of people which equals LOTS of traffic!
-They have drinkable yogurt here, which is so tasty
-My head starts to spin after too much spanish (this should improve...)
-I think I have heard 1 catcall in 2 days of walking around the city. This is way different than Nicaragua where I would hear about 10 after walking for 20 minutes.
I am loving it here. The weather is extra warm and the people are great.
Sorry for the randomness of this post. I will get a more coherent post together soon, but after all the info thrown at me today I am exhausted.
Check back tomorrow! :) Buenos noches!
Last night I went out with some of my host sister's friends for a birthday party. We ended up at a jazz club. Their specialty is sushi...sushi and jazz? Interesting combo. It was fun, but I feel like everyone here is talking about 120 mph and when you throw 10 people together and some jazz music in the background (loud!)and spanish at 150mph It's not going to be so easy to converse. But I definitely enjoyed my time and tried to soak it all in.
Today was my first day of work. I went in for only a half day for orientation and to discuss my job description (I will write more about that later). But I am very excited about what's to come. My only concern is transportation. This week my host sister will take me and pick me up so I can learn the trip...so hopefully I learn fast! It's a big city with lots of buses, micros, a metro, and taxis.
I feel like I am back on SST not really sure what is coming next. I think having a work schedule will help because it will give me some more structure in my day. I am excited for that.
Some things I have noticed so far:
-I feel like a gigante (giant!)...I thought I felt tall in Nicaragua but this is just crazy. I am 5'3ish and feel so tall.
-Big cities have pretty parks
-Big cities also have LOTS of people which equals LOTS of traffic!
-They have drinkable yogurt here, which is so tasty
-My head starts to spin after too much spanish (this should improve...)
-I think I have heard 1 catcall in 2 days of walking around the city. This is way different than Nicaragua where I would hear about 10 after walking for 20 minutes.
I am loving it here. The weather is extra warm and the people are great.
Sorry for the randomness of this post. I will get a more coherent post together soon, but after all the info thrown at me today I am exhausted.
Check back tomorrow! :) Buenos noches!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
I have arrived and I'm exhausted...I am going to drift off into a deep sleep now. But just wanted to make sure all you "worriers" out there knew that I was safe and sound :)
p.s. I'm sweating right now! Hot. hot. hot. And the sun's not even out :D
p.s. I'm sweating right now! Hot. hot. hot. And the sun's not even out :D
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
This week has been all about preparing myself for my 3-month internship in Lima. I should be reading my Spanish dictionary, huh? But mostly I have just been making list, packing, shopping for a few last minute items and attempting to mentally prepare myself for 3 months away from home.
I can't believe I am actually going. Because of the speed of the interview process and such I haven't had much time to prepare or think through what I am actually doing :) But I know that I am EXCITED! It all has really happened so fast and I am so thankful for all the supportive people in my life and for the way these opportunities have fallen into place.
In a ridiculous turn of events, my computer hard drive crashed this weekend meaning I had to rush around to buy a new computer. The good thing is that I backed up most of my documents, pictures and music a few weeks ago. But there are a few precious items that were lost on the hard drive FOREVER. My eye is twitching right now even thinking about it (my left eye twitches when I get stressed or angry...ha). Oh well, life goes on, and a new computer is coming via fed ex just in time for me to install everything and whisk it away on an awesome South American adventure!
For those interested, here is the website of the organization I will be working at (South American Explorers, Lima). I will be an intern meaning I will fill in where needed, but my focus is on marketing and advertising. I have talked to numerous past and present interns and they have loved their internships with the organization and have said that they definitely stayed busy. Which is EXACTLY what I am looking for :) They also let me know that they are very flexible with schedule and hours so that will be an added bonus.
I will be living with a host family in Lima in a very nice, safe and clean neighborhood called La Molina. My "host sister" studied at Goshen for a month and this family has been hosts to two of my best friends :) So many connections. I am definitely excited about building new relationships and learning more Spanish.
I think the biggest adjustment for me will be the city life. Culture shock?? I'm thinking city shock :) Lima is a big city. So it will be fun to be in the setting (once I get used to it, of course!)
Well, as you can tell I am very much looking forward to this new adventure! I will try to keep this blog updated mostly with what I am doing, but also some notes about what I am learning about myself etc. etc. on and on :)
Thanks for following along!
Gotta go see if my suitcase will shut...?? We shall see....
The BIG city of Lima

Did I mention I am working in Miraflores?? Right on the coast?? So excited to leave these blizzard conditions for 80+ degree weather and the beach :) You can be jealous now...
I can't believe I am actually going. Because of the speed of the interview process and such I haven't had much time to prepare or think through what I am actually doing :) But I know that I am EXCITED! It all has really happened so fast and I am so thankful for all the supportive people in my life and for the way these opportunities have fallen into place.
In a ridiculous turn of events, my computer hard drive crashed this weekend meaning I had to rush around to buy a new computer. The good thing is that I backed up most of my documents, pictures and music a few weeks ago. But there are a few precious items that were lost on the hard drive FOREVER. My eye is twitching right now even thinking about it (my left eye twitches when I get stressed or angry...ha). Oh well, life goes on, and a new computer is coming via fed ex just in time for me to install everything and whisk it away on an awesome South American adventure!
For those interested, here is the website of the organization I will be working at (South American Explorers, Lima). I will be an intern meaning I will fill in where needed, but my focus is on marketing and advertising. I have talked to numerous past and present interns and they have loved their internships with the organization and have said that they definitely stayed busy. Which is EXACTLY what I am looking for :) They also let me know that they are very flexible with schedule and hours so that will be an added bonus.
I will be living with a host family in Lima in a very nice, safe and clean neighborhood called La Molina. My "host sister" studied at Goshen for a month and this family has been hosts to two of my best friends :) So many connections. I am definitely excited about building new relationships and learning more Spanish.
I think the biggest adjustment for me will be the city life. Culture shock?? I'm thinking city shock :) Lima is a big city. So it will be fun to be in the setting (once I get used to it, of course!)
Well, as you can tell I am very much looking forward to this new adventure! I will try to keep this blog updated mostly with what I am doing, but also some notes about what I am learning about myself etc. etc. on and on :)
Thanks for following along!
Gotta go see if my suitcase will shut...?? We shall see....
The BIG city of Lima

Did I mention I am working in Miraflores?? Right on the coast?? So excited to leave these blizzard conditions for 80+ degree weather and the beach :) You can be jealous now...

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