Thursday, February 17, 2011


So I will have a more detailed post later but right now I need to ask a question:

Does anyone want to come to Peru and go to Machu Picchu with me?! Seriously....

I am in Peru so I decided I HAVE to go, right? So looking at options with the best travel advisor ever--Hannah Groff--it seems to be cheaper to go with two people. And I am willing to go alone because you are basically in the tour guides hands the whole time, but what's the fun in that??!

Soooo...who wants to meet me here? May 6th or so...we could do a 3 or more day tour. You can see where I work. Meet my host family. And see one of the wonders of the world!! The reason I am asking now is because tours fill up fast so I have to book soon.
You know you wanna!! :)


P.S. If you don't feel like you can make the trip, you could help me out by convincing my boyfriend how AWESOME of a trip it would be. So worth the money and the time away from work. Ready...go!

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