Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mi Primero Tiempo

"my first time"...There's a first time for everything and when you are abroad there are always lots and lots of first and newness. New tastes, new smells, new ideas, new languages, new culture. On and on. I have had many first already in my first week here, but today was especially a FIRST kind of day...

1.) First time eating fish in a looong time: I really don't like seafood much. Actually, I pretty much gag when I smell it. I'm generally not a picky eater, but this is one food I try to steer clear of. For lunch today we had a fish dish that was really delicious. The fish was really mild and the sauce over it was GREAT. This is awesome because ceviche (a very famous dish here) is pure fish, I was scared I wouldn't like it, but now I will try it, and hopefully fall in love with it.

2.) I marketed our memberships on the street for the first time: Today me and another new intern were asked to go out on the town and find people who are traveling South America and would be interested in coming to our clubhouses. We got to hand out our fliers and talk to people about their travels and such. It was great! I really enjoyed talking with others, however, when it comes to me gusta. However, we did have 1 couple come in about an hour after we talked to them on the street so that is GREAT! I am excited to have that as a part of my job so I can leave the office from time to time.

3.) First time commuting by myself: This is a HUGE one. I feel very accomplished. I know that the transportation here is pretty easy...but I have never lived in a big city and the transportation here is intimidating. But I did it. I made it home in one piece and there really was nothing to worry about, I feel totally confident and safe. Easy-peazee.

When I got home I had a little surprise...

4.) Locked out of the apartment for the first time: I got back to the apartment with a huge smile on my face from my recent accomplishment, unlocked the "gate" to the apartment and then looked under the rug for the key to the apartment. y la llave no estaba alli'---It wasn't there. Oops. So I called my host sister, from the dad's cell phone which I am borrowing until I get one (??) and she laughed and said they forgot. :) So I sat outside our apartment and soaked up the warm sun and cool breeze and used the internet from inside the house. Not so bad. Fiore (an cousin living at the house) came back to save they day. So all is well.

5.) First workout in Lima, Peru: I brought my Jillian Michael's work out DVD to try and work up a sweat each day. I also plan to run some because our neighborhood is safe and it's very calm with little traffic. It always feel great to get the endorphins flowing each day :)

Today was a great day! I feel very accomplished and I am definitely finding my niche at home and at work. I am very excited for the weeks to come and hope to keep learning a lot of Spanish and building relationships.

Thanks for following along with my adventure. Hope all is well wherever you are tonight.


1 comment:

  1. Alli I am so proud of you! You are doing something now that so many do not have the nerve to even me! Be safe!
